Boycott M.A.D. Theatre of Tampa

In 1999, my mother, Elizabeth Robins-Edelson, founded a non-profit organization called M.A.D. Theatre of Tampa. M.A.D. (Music, Acting, and Dance) was created to encourage and engage people from all different backgrounds in musical theater. It was also created in honor of my deceased uncle, Barry Robins, whose life was dedicated to the arts. My mother’s company enjoyed many years of success and awards, while being run almost entirely by herself. My mother won two awards without any self-nomination or vying of support; Weekly Planet, Best of the Bay, and WMOR’s Salty Cares Award for my mother’s work with the differently abled.

As time passed by, my mother became overwhelmed with caring for two children and managing a full time job in addition to single handedly running a theatre company. It was around the time I began part time homeschooling. My mother put the love for her family before all else, and decided to temporarily entrust the company in the hands of a trusted friend, Cathy Hooten. With no prior experience in theatre, Cathy Hooten was just the mother of a M.A.D. performer, whom my mother had trusted as a friend.

When my mother returned to take back control of the company which she had founded and led, she received a nasty surprise. Cathy Hooten, the woman my mother trusted, had illegitimately removed my mother from the M.A.D. Board of Directors, and blocked her off from the company. Talk about a disloyal, spiteful move.

My goal is to boycott this Hooten led M.A.D. Theatre, and return the company to my mother. Join me in a nonviolent, passionate boycott against these crooks and let’s give my mom back the theatre company that SHE founded!